Introduction To Other Special Purpose Vehicle Businesses
Scientific research and analysis are not limited to laboratory, gathering and investigation of different information in natural environment are also main approaches, which can be conducted motionless or on the move. Special electronic system vehicle can not only meet the needs for transportation of systems of electronic equipments required for scientific research and analysis, but also ensure operations on the move through internal power supply system, which solved the problem of operations during movement. Therefore, special electronic system vehicles for scientific research and analysis as well as survey and investigation are irreplaceable in terms of wide-range information gathering and processing purposes, such as highway transportation, agriculture, medical service, environment protection and spectrum supervision.
BDK’s manufacturing of vehicles for scientific research and analysis as well as survey and investigation mainly involve collection of spatial information, filed analysis and test and on-site maintenance support. The company’s mainly engaged in manufacturing and integration of radio monitoring vehicle, air, water and soil environment protection and analysis vehicle, expressway road surface quality record and analysis vehicle, mobile hospital and vehicles for many other purposes.